07 Maggio 2024


Primary Schools

Su linee guida proposte dai docenti, si strutturano laboratori con obbiettivi didattici specifici finalizzati alla realizzazione del materiale didattico studiato dai bambini.
The main objective is to create an ideal didactic environment, a space wherein the student through his/her manual skills can experiment and produce his own necessary didactic material.


For this age-group the focus is on teaching kids to socialize while exploring and learning by using their sense of touch.

Primary Schools

By following the teacher’s guidelines, these workshops help students in completing all of their didactic material.

Secondary Schools

As opposed to other kinds of activities, the clay manipulation workshop provides students with an opportunity to develop their engraving and matching skills.

In other words, being exposed to specific techniques, students are presented with a unique learning opportunity. This opportunity is to perform clay

manipulation as an alternative way to express one-self with respect to more widely adopted art forms, such as drawing.

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